He obtained his Master of Laws degree major in International and Comparative Business Law (with Distinction) from the London Metropolitan University, U.K. He also completed a Single Masters Course (MSc) in International Trade Law from the University College London, U.K. as a Chevening Scholar of the British Council. His thesis for his LLM degree is on "Biopiracy; A comparative Analysis of Patent Laws in the European Union &the U.S."
He received his Bachelor of Laws degree (3rd honors) from the University of Santo Tomas in 2000, as a full scholar. He passed the Bar exams given in the sameyear, with a general weighted average of 86.05%. He received his Bachelor ofArts degree major in Legal Management (cum laude) from the same University in 1996, as a Rector's scholar.
While in UST, he won as National Public Speaking Champion twice (1998 and 1999). He led UST to three (3) consecutive National Law Debate Championships at the ALSP Conflicts of Law Debate Tournament, from 1997 to 1999. He was awarded Best Speaker in the 1997 4th All Asians Intervarsity Debate Tournament in Singapore where he led the UST Debate Team in winning the Championship. He was FIRST RUNNER-UP in the 1998 World’s Public Speaking Competitions held during the XVI World’s Debate Championships, where he led UST to the quarter-finals. In June 1999, he represented the Philippines in the 3rd Hitachi Young Leaders Initiative held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In August 1999, he led the Philippine Law Debate Team to win the Championship of the ASEAN Law Debates in Jakarta, Indonesia.
In 2001, he took up a Masters in Public Management degree from the Ateneo School of Government. In 2002, he completed a post-graduate executive program in Leadership and Public Policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
He is on his 2nd term as an elected Councilor of the Municipality of Baliwag, Bulacan and currently the Vice-President of the Philippine Councilors League (Bulacan Chapter). He is the current Regional Representative for South East Asia (2006 to 2008) of the Young International Arbitrators Group (YIAG) of the London Chamber of International Arbitrators (LCIA).
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